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What Headaches & Blood Pressure Have In Common

While many chiropractors may claim to treat disorders, chiropractic is not involved with the chasing of symptoms per se. It is important to understand that the basis for many health issues and complaints rests with a loss of normal nervous system function.

An interference caused by a misalignment of the first spinal vertebra under the skull is known as a C1 subluxation or first cervical subluxation.

This can be caused by physical, chemical, emotional and/or environmental stress or a combination of these stressors beyond the body’s ability to cope. Common stressors affecting this part of the spine and nervous system include: caffeine withdrawal, alcohol abuse, unmanaged stress, anger, confusion, despair, exhaustion and ergonomic stress like repetitive motion or long periods of inactivity.

Perhaps of greater importance than these local affects are the systemic affects of subluxation of this area. This is the one area where the entire spinal cord and brain stem may be affected by spinal misalignment. This can cause effects throughout the body ranging from remote problems like low back pain to impairment of the immune system of the person.

Research conducted with HIV positive patients found that those adjusted in this exact area enjoyed a 48% improvement in immune system function over time while the non-adjusted group experienced an 8% decrease in immune system function over the same period.

According to an article on webmd citing a placebo-controlled clinical study, a chiropractic adjustment of C1 can significantly lower high blood pressure. "This procedure has the effect of not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination," study leader George Bakris, MD. "And it seems to be adverse-event free. We saw no side effects and no problems," adds Bakris, director of the University of Chicago hypertension center.

How's your C1?

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