Chronic Stress And Your Health
While it is common knowledge these days that stress, when chronic, is a precursor to many common health issues and problems. First, it is...

Addressing Medicine’s Attack on Supplements
Once again, the media…pushed by the drug industry and the medical profession has taken a stand against nutritional supplements, as I’m...

What Headaches & Blood Pressure Have In Common
While many chiropractors may claim to treat disorders, chiropractic is not involved with the chasing of symptoms per se. It is important...

Lifestyle Can Prevent Heart Disease
According to a Johns Hopkins Medicine news release in November, 2013, being physically fit may be an effective way to prevent heart...

It’s Better To Grow Healthy Kids Than...
Have you noticed? There are times when the office seems like a pediatricians office. This is because we see a lot of kids and you may...